Before they start functioning for the binenium 2011-2013 one day retreat for all the members of the pastorate committee was conducted at the DSI centre,Kelavedu,Chenglepet.Except 3 all were present.Rev.N.G.Mathew of CSI Madras diocese was the retreat preacher and the whole programme has been a very challenging one to all the participants.
Mrs.Ruby James the founder of the DSI Project welcomed us and briefed how she was able to start the project and administrating it for the last 14 years as a committed christian who was brought up by her teacher parents.The project runs home for the semi orphans and orphans who constitute nearly 150.The school has the strength of about 400 students.This year the 5th batch of 10th standard students take public exams.One of the Pastorate committee members Mr.Daniel Vinodhkumar donated Medicines to the inmates.
The Seecretary of the Pastorate committee Mr.J.Johnson Jayakumar thanked the Re.N.G.Mathew for his usefull words and also the host Mrs.Ruby james and Mr.James the correspondent of the school who took care of us very well.Finaly all the 10th std.students were made to gather for a Prayer.Rev.N.Manova Santhosham, Presbyter in charge,CSI Wesley Tamil Church prayed for the children and for everyone and pronounced the benediction.We returned to chennai safely by 7pm.We praise God for the guidance and blessings.
Mrs.Ruby James the founder of the DSI Project welcomed us and briefed how she was able to start the project and administrating it for the last 14 years as a committed christian who was brought up by her teacher parents.The project runs home for the semi orphans and orphans who constitute nearly 150.The school has the strength of about 400 students.This year the 5th batch of 10th standard students take public exams.One of the Pastorate committee members Mr.Daniel Vinodhkumar donated Medicines to the inmates.
The Seecretary of the Pastorate committee Mr.J.Johnson Jayakumar thanked the Re.N.G.Mathew for his usefull words and also the host Mrs.Ruby james and Mr.James the correspondent of the school who took care of us very well.Finaly all the 10th std.students were made to gather for a Prayer.Rev.N.Manova Santhosham, Presbyter in charge,CSI Wesley Tamil Church prayed for the children and for everyone and pronounced the benediction.We returned to chennai safely by 7pm.We praise God for the guidance and blessings.